Kinderville Junior School



2 year olds – 4 year olds

As your child develops, so does their curiosity about the world around them. At Kinderville, we offer a safe and caring environment that allows them to explore, and learn in their own unique way. Through games, art, songs, finger plays, stories and activities, our children learn and grow at their own pace.

Our carefully balanced program provides a full day of age and developmentally appropriate activities as well as plenty of outdoor recess time on our beautiful play ground. Your child will learn to develop simple co-ordinative skills, discover arts and music, social and emotional growth and expressive and receptive language development.

Early Years Education

Pre Primary 1: 4-5 year olds

This is the start of an exciting journey where our 4 – 5 year olds’ begin their formal education. The children interact through learning and play in order to stimulate their intellect ,leadership and social skills.

Pre Primary 2: 5-6 year olds

Your 5 – 6 year old is now getting ready for primary school. This is a source of pride to you and your child. We celebrate mastery of language and numeracy concepts, reading and writing as they graduate to Primary.

Lower Primary : (Grade 1-3)

This is the start of an exciting journey where our 6 year olds begin their journey through primary. The children interact through learning and play in order to stimulate their intellect and social skills. Through the Competency Based Curriculum, our children discover learning is fun through collaborative learning, projects, digital literacy and they discover a llife long love for learning.

Middle School

(Grade 4-9)

This shall comprise of 3 years of upper primary education (Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6) and three years of lower secondary education (Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9)

Contact Us

Tel: Miss Evalyne (Crèche & Pre-Primary) - 0794 490625
Ms. Winnie (Primary) - 0718 878773

Sabaki, Athi River, Kenya
P.O. Box 6329 - 00100, Nairobi


© Copyright 2019 Kinderville Where Learning is an art. Done by Drift